Enjoyed a weekend at home with no baseball…with all of the rain, we laid low and enjoyed the time together as a family!
Great Sunday at NStar!
Continued “Marked” series – we were in week 7 on “peacemaking”!
Great lesson of morning was that God is looking for not “peace lovers” or “peace givers” but those that walk in a room and can change the whole atmosphere by their presence! They are truly “reconcilers” and the world notices and calls them “Sons of God”…..Sure pray I get there one day!
Great worship with the band, singers & choir! Loved it!!
Used a new song “Stronger” from Hillsongs…..it was super solid! Loved the tune!
Big crowds & ton of energy!
Had 20+ people pray to be “reconciled” to God at the 11am service!! Jesus was the ultimate reconciler and He came to reconcile the world to His father in Heaven!!
This week is off to a crazy start – trying to cram a ton so we can enjoy a week off for “Spring Break” next week!
Speaking on Thursday at a church planters workshop in Conyers with my good buddy Russ Butcher! Look forward to being with those guys!
We are having our follow up security meeting this week – things are coming together and we will have all of our bases covered!
Had a great lunch with Brian Dodd last week! Brian is with “Injoy Stewardship Services” and is one the best thinkers that I have now of out there! Every time I am with him – he stretches me & grows me! Thanks Brian for being you!
Had breakfast with Ira Blumenthal…..Ira is an amazing leader and one of the most fascinating guys I know!! He has been one of Coke’s key consultants for 20+ years and travels across America working in “branding” for companies!! He is also current President of the Captain Planet Foundation for Ted Turner. Everytime I with Ira, I always leave learning something!!
This past weekend, our NStar family gave over 600+ bags that were delivered to MUST ministries to give out to people over Easter!! I am so proud of our incredible church!!!
I am the most blessed man in the world!!! I love my life!